Reacher Grabber
To say that video game adaptations of the Alien franchise are hit and miss is a bit of an understatement. On the one hand, we have genre-defining classics like Alien vs Predator (1999) and Alien: Isolation. Then there’s Aliens: Colonial Marines, a release besmirched by industry lies.
Isolation succeeded by taking things back to the series roots, away from relentless Xenomorph swarms, where just one bug was enough to bring down an entire space station. Aliens: Fireteam Elite swings back to James Cameron, pitting armed to the teeth marines against hordes of Xenos in a squad-based Left 4 Dead-alike.
From Cold Iron Studios, a studio that comprises devs that previously worked on the likes of Neverwinter and Star Trek Online, this latest bug hunt is more about relentless action than stealth chills. It’s clear from the opening minutes of the first mission that atmospheric horror isn’t the focus here. As Xenomorph drones pop out of every vent and flood towards you in waves, you mow them down with blanket rifle fire. We are a long way from Sevastopol station.
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